Please read these rules thoroughly. By buying Nevercon tickets and/or attending Nevercon you are agreeing that you have read these rules and agree to them.

Nevercon is an inclusive environment

We welcome attendees of all races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, religions, and abilities. We want all of our attendees to feel safe and welcome, and therefore any hate speech or bullying is not allowed. We encourage everyone to have fun and get into their Neverland personas, and we also want everyone to feel safe. To make sure both can happen, all participants must ask for and receive enthusiastic consent before engaging in any physical roleplaying (pirate trials & plank walking, lost children roughhousing, etc.)

Nevercon has both all ages activities and adults only activities. Please be mindful and keep adult behavior/language in the adults only activities.

We strive to welcome attendees with a wide range of ability levels, however we do not currently have any staff (this is a volunteer run event,) so we do not have any assistance for specific disabilities at this time. In addition, this is an outdoor environment so the terrain may not be mobility friendly, & some activities may not be accessible for all attendees. If you have concerns about whether or not you will be able to participate please contacting the organizers prior to buying your tickets.

Costumes and Decorations

Nevercon is an immersive experience and therefore we request all attendees please either come in costume or bring costumes to wear after setting up campsites and before participating in events each day. The one exception to the costume rule is paintball. We understand that paintball may completely ruin your clothes, so while we encourage costumes you don’t mind getting ruined for paintball, we completely understand if you need to wear other clothing for practical purposes.To add to the Nevercon experience, we encourage attendees to decorate their campsites to fit the theme of the camping section they choose (camping section chosen upon ticket purchase.) Costumes do not need to coordinate with the theme of your camping section.

All costumes must be appropriate for an all ages environment.

When planning your costumes please keep in mind that the days may get hot and the nights might get chilly.

We welcome pirates, fairy folk / faye, mer-people, never-beasts, and lost children of all genders. At this time in an effort to avoid costumes and decorations that express or promote racism or cultural appropriation dressing up /decorating like native peoples is unacceptable.

We hope to have activities that share positive, fun, and accurate aspects of native people’s cultures at future Nevercon events. If you would like to be a part of creating that content please contact the organizers.

Items not permitted at Nevercon and items permitted with limited use at Nevercon

Fireworks (including sparklers,) weapons, and illegal substances of any kind are not permitted at Nevercon at any time.

Knives may be brought for cooking purposes only. Smoking is only permitted at the fire ring and only when it is not in use by other people. Trash created by smoking such as butts must be fully extinguished and then thrown out appropriately into a provided cigarette disposer, not into the fire ring, ground, or trash cans. Legal substances such as alcohol, cigarettes, and cannabis may only be used by people of legal age.

While cell phone use is permitted at Nevercon, we encourage attendees to put away their screens and they’re grown up mundane lives, explore the world around them, and be in the moment.

All participants are required to check in upon arrival

Check in process will direct you to the camping section you chose, give you some information and supplies for the weekend, and require you to sign a code of conduct agreeing to these rules and a release of liability. a release of liability may also be emailed to you for electronic signature prior to the event (we’re working on setting this up. and we’ll update attendees as we have more information.)

Those who fail to check in and/or sign the release of liability, as well as those who do not submit their proof of vaccination by August 1st (see covid safety) will not be eligible for admission to Nevercon and will not be able to receive a refund (see refund policy.)

You are responsible for yourself, your children, and your stuff

You and your children

Nevercon takes place in an outdoor environment and, as with any natural environment, there are health safety risks involved. Please be careful and aware of your surroundings. Please take appropriate measures to keep yourself safe and healthy and only participate in the activities that are appropriate for you.

If you are bringing children, please make sure to supervise them and only allow them to participate in activities that are safe for them, regardless of the age range the activities are labeled for.

Nevercon provides campsite space for you to set up your tent and gear, activities to participate in, and an immersive environment to take part in. Which, if any, of these things you choose to participate in is your choice, and we are not responsible for any illness or injury caused by attending Nevercon or participating in any of its events.

COVID-19 Safety

Nevercon is making every effort to provide a fun and safe environment for all attendees. All attendees are required to provide proof of vaccination before August 1st. Vaccination is considered a single dose of a one dose COVID-19 vaccine plus any boosters that are recommended for immunity, or all required doses of a multiple dose COVID-19 vaccine plus any boosters that are recommended for immunity. Instructions on how to email your proof of vaccination will be sent to you upon ticket purchase.

We are also requiring attendees bring masks and wear them during their very limited time indoors other than when they are showering or with their own group in their own tents or cabins.

These recommendations may change and become stricter or looser as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, and we ask all attendees to be patient as we make adjustments as to what will be required between now and the event.

Nevercon does not guarantee COVID-19 safety, or any other kind of safety, at our events or take any responsibility for any illness or injury that occurs at or due to attending our events. We ask each participant to take responsibility for themselves and their families, and assess their own risk factors before deciding whether or not to attend.

Your Belongings

While we ask all attendees be mindful and respectful of other people’s belongings, this is an outdoor environment with many activities and people. Any items you bring may get lost, dirty, wet, damaged, or stolen, and Nevercon takes no responsibility for missing or damaged property.

Refund Policy

Refunds, minus fees (fees cannot be refunded,) can be given up until August 1st. See refund policy on Eventbrite page when booking tickets for refund information. These refund policies will also apply if the event is canceled for any reason (e.g. COVID-19 gathering rules changes, natural disaster, etc.) No refunds can be given August 1st or after.